
The London bombings and the Karl Rove thing are playing rather nicely into B*sh's hands right now given that he pushed to re-ratify the Patriot Act. They're nice distractions to keep people worried and scared so that nobody will notice. The house and senate voted the Patriot Act back in yesterday with some new provisions, yet it's 3rd-page news in the papers this morning.

London Transport police shot a guy on the underground today and killed him after he acted very suspiciously and actively threatened the police before trying to get away. The British Muslim council wasted no time in demanding to know why a man of "asian appearance" was shot and killed on the tube. ie, they pulled the race card instantly.

You know what? If the Pakis in England didn't freeload, didn't get free houses, actually started to pay tax, didn't play the race card at every opportunity and stopped treating England like Little Pakistan, I might have more time for this argument. But as it is, I'm inclined to say they deserve what's coming to them. You don't move wholesale to another country then fuck with it and try to make it like your own. Speak goddamn English and work to integrate into society. Don't whine and bitch about not getting Sikh and Muslim on to the school curriculum - it's fucking England. If you don't like it, fuck off back to Pakistan and stop treating England as a free ride.


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