MIRT your way to work.
This is pretty neat. Here in America, traffic lights can be "affected" by mass transit and emergency vehicles. This is nothing new - in Europe, buses and emergency vehicles have had inductive-loop transponders for years. The difference is in America, the system uses infra red. Extrapolate : can you build a powerful TV remote control that affects traffic lights ? Yes, you can. Mobile Infra Red Transmitters use IR, not radio, so the FCC have no jurisdiction over them. You could buy one from themirt.com for $250, or build one yourself for $20 with plans on i-hacked.com.
I stress could because B*sh snuck The Safe Intersections Act into the the transit bill he signed on Wednesday, so now its illegal to own or sell a MIRT. Apparently, if you believe the stuffed shirts, MIRTS present a "threat to national security"... (!)[Gerald Donaldson, senior research director with Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety]
Technically though, it's not illegal to make one. MIRTS are basically IR strobes with one frequency for buses and another for emergency vehicles.
So our thought for Friday this week then :
I stress could because B*sh snuck The Safe Intersections Act into the the transit bill he signed on Wednesday, so now its illegal to own or sell a MIRT. Apparently, if you believe the stuffed shirts, MIRTS present a "threat to national security"... (!)[Gerald Donaldson, senior research director with Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety]
Technically though, it's not illegal to make one. MIRTS are basically IR strobes with one frequency for buses and another for emergency vehicles.
So our thought for Friday this week then :
