Bloody environmentalists.
This is just retarded.
Bloody environmentalists have managed to get the Californian Altamont Pass wind farm shut down because - get this - the area apparently provides a food source for migrating birds. This is the oldest wind farm in America - it's never been a problem before, but apparently a 2004 report by the California Energy Commission found that 880 to 1,300 raptors are killed at Altamont every year. The environmentalists snatched on that nugget of information but completely glossed over the total lack of evidence for the windmills being to blame (ie. the birds were found to have no signs of impact from the mills or blades).
Success there has led this lot on to get a wind farm in the Mojave blocked, and one in Nantucket Sound put on hold because of bats.
Who in their right mind would block plans for a wind farm in a remote region? It means clean, renewable energy........oh.....right....the oil companies. Now it makes sense. This lot aren't environmentalists at all. It's some pro-B*sh group organised by the government and propped up with oil money whose sole purpose is to make up all sorts of lame excuses to get energy companies into court to block wind farms.
Bloody environmentalists have managed to get the Californian Altamont Pass wind farm shut down because - get this - the area apparently provides a food source for migrating birds. This is the oldest wind farm in America - it's never been a problem before, but apparently a 2004 report by the California Energy Commission found that 880 to 1,300 raptors are killed at Altamont every year. The environmentalists snatched on that nugget of information but completely glossed over the total lack of evidence for the windmills being to blame (ie. the birds were found to have no signs of impact from the mills or blades).
Success there has led this lot on to get a wind farm in the Mojave blocked, and one in Nantucket Sound put on hold because of bats.
Who in their right mind would block plans for a wind farm in a remote region? It means clean, renewable energy........oh.....right....the oil companies. Now it makes sense. This lot aren't environmentalists at all. It's some pro-B*sh group organised by the government and propped up with oil money whose sole purpose is to make up all sorts of lame excuses to get energy companies into court to block wind farms.