Flip top basin waste.

Flip the whothewhatnow?
The villa in Mallorca (and a number of hotels in England now) have these nifty flip-top plugs in the washbasins. A captive disc spins around rather than having a plug that you pull out. When closed, its watertight, obviously. So I somewhat nervously went to a plumbing supply shop here called England Plumbing. I wasn't hopeful, but I knew they'd be more use than Home Depot. Naturally, the response was "huh?" and "neat!".
So I went to M-one - the funny little plumbing supply shop west of the freeway that was able to help out two years back with my nearly pre-war toilet plunger. Not only did he know what they were, but he had the damn things in stock.
I've come to the conclusion that for plumbing in Salt Lake City, I'll not bother with anywhere else any more - I'll just go to this M-one place.