This is so wrong...
...on so many levels.....but its so damn funny.
Excuse the abysmal picture quality - it came from a cameraphone.

Speaking of funny, or tragic, not sure which - the litiguous country in which I live has reached a new low. Lawyers have won a $61M settlement against Ford for a case where a Ford Explorer rolled and killed the driver and passenger - both 17 year old boys. Not so weird, you might think, until you realise the reason the SUV rolled was (apart from it being an SUV) because the driver was asleep. (Forbes Story). So now, if we're to believe this lawyer, cars are supposed to steer themselves whilst the drivers are asleep.
America desperately needs an anti-frivolous-lawsuit ammendment.
Excuse the abysmal picture quality - it came from a cameraphone.

Speaking of funny, or tragic, not sure which - the litiguous country in which I live has reached a new low. Lawyers have won a $61M settlement against Ford for a case where a Ford Explorer rolled and killed the driver and passenger - both 17 year old boys. Not so weird, you might think, until you realise the reason the SUV rolled was (apart from it being an SUV) because the driver was asleep. (Forbes Story). So now, if we're to believe this lawyer, cars are supposed to steer themselves whilst the drivers are asleep.
America desperately needs an anti-frivolous-lawsuit ammendment.