The amazing disappearing reappearing snow.

On saturday night, everyone from the national weather service right down to the plastic weather forecaster on 2 News (complete with plastic smile and plastic hair) was telling us we'd be digging out on sunday morning because "the storm of the season" was coming and we'd see up to a foot of snow in the valley. We got up yesterday to find that it hadn't even rained, let alone snowed. Big whup. They were wrong - what's new? So we went out to get on with our day and the heavens opened about 11.00 and it snowed furiously for most of the rest of the day. So the snow did arrive, it just did it when everyone was awake and out and about instead of asleep at night. The result, predictably for Utah, was record numbers of crashes on the roads.
The total in the valley was nowhere near a foot - about 3 inches in Sugarhouse, but it still gave me a chance to exercise the snowblower this morning :-)


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