Today's dose of "America is just fucked up".
Four items today.
- Wisconsin State Assembly passed a bill lowering the hunting age to 8 in their state. What could possibly go wrong?
- Here's a coincidentally linked story to show exactly what could go wrong : an 8-year-old boy accidentally shot a 7-year-old girl in the arm today - at a daycare centre! I'm sorry but that is fucked up. What the hell is an 8 year old kid doing with a loaded gun in a goddamn daycare centre? And what the hell were his parents thinking? (I guess they probably weren't thinking at all).
- Black-hating, anti-woman, anti-abortion white supremacist Alito got the nod from the Senate judiciary committee. All ten Republicans voted for Alito, while all eight Democrats voted against him. 8-10: That's a nice balanced government. What happened to 9-9?
- Someone asked B*sh at a question and answer session at Kansas State University if he'd seen "Brokeback Mountain," since he's a rancher and all. B*sh was caught totally off guard by the question and it made him look more like an ass than usual. So much so that the secret service "escorted" the dissenter out of the room. Damn that pesky "free speech" thing!