Thank you Mr B*sh.
I really should express my gratitude for the level of support for huge businesses that B*sh has shown. His fostering of corruption and wholesale rape of the working class is truly something to be proud of. The latest example? Because the National Weather Service says this past January was the warmest ever on record, the National Grid is tacking a 2% "warm weather" surcharge on to everyone's bill this month because we didn't use as much electricity in the heating of our houses. The knock-on effect is that they didn't make as much money as they wanted, so they're just going to invent a new surcharge and make everyone pay anyway.
It's the same as the water companies here in Utah. "We must conserve because of the drought. Oh. You all conserved and we lost money. We'd better put the rates up."
According to the Public Service Commission, which is the watchdog agency for National Grid, the company has every right to tack on the charge during the heating season, if they overestimate the amount of energy needed. The Public Service Commission, is, of course, staffed by Republican B*sh patsys, so why would they say anything different? After all, under the B*sh whitehouse, "watchdog" is a term used to ensure that everyone is being raped for as much cash as physically possible. It's the same reason the "watchdog" for the petroleum industry didn't step in even when petrol was over $3 a gallon last summer.
It's the same as the water companies here in Utah. "We must conserve because of the drought. Oh. You all conserved and we lost money. We'd better put the rates up."
According to the Public Service Commission, which is the watchdog agency for National Grid, the company has every right to tack on the charge during the heating season, if they overestimate the amount of energy needed. The Public Service Commission, is, of course, staffed by Republican B*sh patsys, so why would they say anything different? After all, under the B*sh whitehouse, "watchdog" is a term used to ensure that everyone is being raped for as much cash as physically possible. It's the same reason the "watchdog" for the petroleum industry didn't step in even when petrol was over $3 a gallon last summer.