The Nintendo Wii?

Nintendo announced the official name of their next console today. Goodbye Revolution, hello Wii. Pronounced "wee". As in "piss". As in "taking the piss" or "piss poor idea".
Not only have they gone a bit funny on the name, but the controllers look like TV remotes. Apparently Nintendo are concentrating more on how we control the games than how they look and sound.
Oh dear.
I think that's doublespeak for "our console has been outgunned by Sony".
This is a real shame. I'm a huge fan of Nintendo hardware but it all went a bit pear-shaped for me when they introduced the DS with its touch screen. And their continued insistence on SuperHappyFunFunKiddySunshineHappyHappySmile type games sucks ass so badly that they've lost a consumer here.