Slower graphics card, faster PC?

Here's a good one for you. I put a new graphics card in my PC a couple of months ago - an Nvidia 6600, and since then have had nothing but trouble. Corrupted disks, slow booting, lockups - all sorts of problems. Having had enough, I took it out tonight and put the old card back in - an old GeForce4 Ti4600. The first thing I noticed - the PC took about half as long to boot and get into Winblows. Everything is running quicker and I'm not getting the blackouts on screen every 20 minutes or so.
I'm sure I don't understand this so I'm going to pump our friendly IT bloke for ideas tomorrow. Luckily have given me an RMA for the new card so I can get a replacement and see if it does any better. But why a quicker card would cause so many problems on my PC is a total mystery.


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