Vista is going to suck donkey balls.

Best quote regarding Microsoft's upcoming Vista OS:
"To realize the charm and brilliance of Vista, the user has to have a decent graphics card, because otherwise it looks like crap."

Do we really need this? I mean Microsoft have produced a consistent stream of expensive, memory-hungry, flaky OS's that must waste millions of man-hours every year, and now they want to release an OS which is going to eat up graphics memory too? And 64bits? For the most part, 64bit ought to be a good thing but you just know the way Microsoft have implemented it means it either crashes twice as frequently or twice as quickly.

My bet is that Vista will be released and within a week, there will be more patches and security fixes than you can shake a stick at.

It's going to be more of the same, but it's going to run needlessly slower. We don't need a fucking happy shiny interface - what we need is a solid goddamn operating system that can work for more than 20 minutes without bluescreening! Why don't Microsoft understand this? Bloat is not good, especially Microsoft Bloat.

Side note : Microsoft have maintained for years that the BSOD doesn't exist in XP. Well I (along with most people who us a PC for more than Word or Excel) can list 10 ways right off the bat to cause XP to bluescreen. I'd be interested to try to reproduce these on Vista.


Anonymous said…
I like most of the things you write but on this you're so far from the truth that suddenly I became sad. You would better be trying Vista before expressing such a categorical opinion. It’s your opinion and I should respect it but it sounds more like a pointless rage against Microsoft.

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