The only reason to upgrade to Windows Vista

There can only be one reason to upgrade to Windows Vista. And that would be if they've finally made the "yes to all" function actually mean "yes to all". ie. if you can set files copying or deleting and not come back an hour later to discover that it stalled on the third file because when you clicked "yes to all", Windows didn't understand what you meant.

Oh - there is one other reason - if they've finally made it so that "shut down PC" actually shuts it down instead of sitting there with a confirmation dialogue asking you if you're sure you want to close Outlook.

As far as I can gather from the reviews, Vista looks like pointless bloatware right now. C|Net and Wired both say there's no reason to upgrade to Vista because it's basically warmed-over XP. I can go with that. I don't need some superhappyshiny interface that needs 1Gb of memory and 4Gb of disk space just to run. I don't need Windows to continuously try to interpret what I'm doing. What I need is an operating system that will do what I tell it, when I tell it, without question, and to STFU once it's done. Until Microsoft manage to crack that nut, I'll be sticking with what I've got.

Is it just me or does anyone else thing 4Gb of disk space JUST for the operating system is more than a little excessive?

I thought Bill Gates' comments were funny though.
"When users boot up Vista for the first time, they'll be wowed by the slick 3-D graphical user interface and document icons that give at-a-glance previews", Gates said.

Not really mate. We don't need more bloat and unnecessary shit. We need a smaller, more streamlined, quicker OS!

He went on: "The next wow comes when people start using a system-wide search program that Microsoft's engineers built into both the operating system and new versions of Microsoft Word, Excel and other Office 2007 elements".

You mean Google Desktop?

I'll grab a copy of Vista when it's being given away free. I can't see myself paying for it.


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