She's starting to ..... shimmy....

The new wheels and tyres on the Element were causing a slight shimmy in the steering between 65 and 75mph so I took it back in this morning to get the wheels re-balanced. Turns out three of them were out - well out. So they re-did them for me, and off I went on to I-80. Up to speed - good - no shimmy. First bump and I hear a metallic 'ping' as something bounces off the door. When I got to work I checked the front-left wheel and sure enough one of the weights had come off. The sticky stuff they're using is crap-ola on these weights. So I came back down the motorway tonight and couldn't feel anything too horrific. The shimmy is much, much less noticeable now although I was dicing with some woman doing her hair in a Camry so I didn't get a good long stretch to know for sure. I'll whip it out on I-15 later once the traffic has calmed down and see how she goes.


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