Sicko ?

I've not seen the new Michael Moore movie yet - and I won't until it comes out on DVD. But from what I'm seeing in the interviews and trailers, he seems to be putting forth England as the shining example of how health care should be. If he is, then he's unusually misguided. Nationalised health care is absolutely not what America needs. I agree that the healthcare system here is broken but that's the fault of the laywers, judges and insurance companies. My wife's dad had a medical problem that was fairly critical some years ago and because of the nationalised health service in England he was put on a 26 month waiting list. A complication meant he got seen sooner, but he quite literally had to be in a critical condition before they would see him. Had that been in America he would have been able to have the operation probably within days of the diagnosis.
And don't lets forget the awful state of dentistry as suffered by my wife at the hands of some NHS dentist. When she finally got to a good, trustworthy private dentist, his comment was "it looks like a road construction crew have been in here - and a bad one at that."
The NHS is broken - badly so. People are literally dying because of the state of the healthcare service in England, and to suggest that is the solution to the problem in America is just plain wrong.


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