Rednecks in the snow.
Well winter has finally arrived properly. The ski resorts aren't panicky any more and with the fresh snow, it's Mor(m)ons on ice this morning.
And the odd redneck. I was parked outside Petco waiting for it to open, in a totally empty parking lot. A blue pickup pulled into the parking lot, orbited once, then parked right next to me, then the 400lb ape wearing special-school-shorts got out slamming his door into the side of my car so hard that the Honda actually rocked. Meanwhile his wife with three teeth who looked like the product of eight generations of inbreeding was hauling her rolls of fat out of the other side of the truck in what looked like a nightgown. The ape looked at where he'd dinged my car, then closed his door and went to walk into Petco without saying anything, so I wound the window down and called him on it.
His reply : "Dude don't be such a stupid fucker. You need to mellow the fuck out."
Okay fine. I was going to accept an apology but I guess he didn't want that, so instead I told him it was impressive that a redneck with an IQ as low as his could walk and breathe at the same time, let alone drive, and that perhaps next time, an apology would be better than just spewing insults.
His reply : "Whut?"
Oh, right. Too many syllables. I dumbed it down to redneck-ese : "Dude, next time just apologise".
"Fuck you buddy" and off he went, his heffer of a wife shambling behind him.
I checked the Honda - good job I got the plastic panels as that's where he'd dinged it. Any other car would have had a nice crease in the sheet metal he hit it so hard.
I just don't get people like that. Why is it so difficult for them to apologise? Why did he park right next to me in an empty parking lot. Come to think of it, why did he not have enough courtesy to not slam his door into my car? Is it really that difficult for these people to be polite? It's retards like him who are the downfall of society. I don't understand why the rest of us should simply stand by and let them get away with the shit they do. Why can't we round them all up and put a gun to their heads? It would be for the common good.
And the odd redneck. I was parked outside Petco waiting for it to open, in a totally empty parking lot. A blue pickup pulled into the parking lot, orbited once, then parked right next to me, then the 400lb ape wearing special-school-shorts got out slamming his door into the side of my car so hard that the Honda actually rocked. Meanwhile his wife with three teeth who looked like the product of eight generations of inbreeding was hauling her rolls of fat out of the other side of the truck in what looked like a nightgown. The ape looked at where he'd dinged my car, then closed his door and went to walk into Petco without saying anything, so I wound the window down and called him on it.
His reply : "Dude don't be such a stupid fucker. You need to mellow the fuck out."
Okay fine. I was going to accept an apology but I guess he didn't want that, so instead I told him it was impressive that a redneck with an IQ as low as his could walk and breathe at the same time, let alone drive, and that perhaps next time, an apology would be better than just spewing insults.
His reply : "Whut?"
Oh, right. Too many syllables. I dumbed it down to redneck-ese : "Dude, next time just apologise".
"Fuck you buddy" and off he went, his heffer of a wife shambling behind him.
I checked the Honda - good job I got the plastic panels as that's where he'd dinged it. Any other car would have had a nice crease in the sheet metal he hit it so hard.
I just don't get people like that. Why is it so difficult for them to apologise? Why did he park right next to me in an empty parking lot. Come to think of it, why did he not have enough courtesy to not slam his door into my car? Is it really that difficult for these people to be polite? It's retards like him who are the downfall of society. I don't understand why the rest of us should simply stand by and let them get away with the shit they do. Why can't we round them all up and put a gun to their heads? It would be for the common good.
