Mormons in the snow.
It's amazing how much less road noise there is from the tyres when you're driving in 25cm of fresh powder snow. Sadly, it's also amazing how many of the locals have forgotten how to drive in the snow - after all, it's been over a week since it last snowed properly. I was stuck behind some retard this morning who didn't seem to understand that you can't drive a rear-wheel-drive sports car up a snowy hill. Why he didn't stay at home or get someone else to take him where he needed to go, I don't know. But last I saw he was still fishtailing around the intersection at the bottom of Sunnyside, whilst everyone else drove past him.
The problem is that the snow plows haven't been out - I suspect either because it's Milk day, or because they're trying to keep the motorways clear. Either way, all the streets in town are a total waste of time right now.
The problem is that the snow plows haven't been out - I suspect either because it's Milk day, or because they're trying to keep the motorways clear. Either way, all the streets in town are a total waste of time right now.

I watched GD Utah for a few seconds about an hour ago and the freeways are in a right state. According to Fox the snow ploughs were probably stuck in traffic - nice. Although I did see one going past while I was out there just now whether it ploughed 21st is another matter methinks not it was going too fast.