"Paperless billing - we're not Green, we're cheap"

I got yet another email from yet another company "going green" this morning. Progressive insurance are now promoting their paperless billing under the guise of being Green, as well as the 'convenience' factor. Which is bollocks of course, because most people who receive an email bill will print a copy out for their records. So it's not saving paper which means it's not being Green. The convenience thing doesn't hold up either - I find it more convenient for them to mail me the documents so I don't have to print them out myself. The next argument they use is that my online account is password protected where my mail isn't. Correct, but my email isn't password protected, so when they send me the documents electronically, they're as open to fraud as the mail. Then they go on to say that things go missing in the mail, which is also true, but at the same time, spam filters, aggressive service providers and internet bottlenecks often see email simply vanish too.
The real reason for paperless billing is of course because they're being cheap. It means that Progressive don't want to pay for the paper to print their policies on, and the postage to send it to me.
Look - I pay enough for my car insurance - the least they can do in return is print my documents for me and spend 38 cents on postage, because you know for sure if I ever need to make a claim, they're going to rape me blind. After all, insurance companies don't make money by paying out.

It's the same reason that when I closed my Amex account and they billed me for 1 cent, I paid it with a cheque instead of an e-transfer. If they're dumb enough to bill me for that amount, they can pay the postage-paid envelope and the $1.50 processing fee too. The more people who use their brains and do stuff like this, the more large companies will take note.

I forgot.
The March of the Morons.

I'll just quiet down then.


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