Woohoo - the economic stimulus package has passed.

If you believe all the articles and the news, the economic stimulus package has passed the house and senate, and because it's a Bush pet program, he won't veto it. Also if you believe the articles and the news, we'll see a cheque for $1200 in the mail.

Mmm yeah. I don't think so.

I'll believe this scam when I see it. In the unlikely event we do get a cheque, it'll go straight in the savings. You'd have to be a total idiot to actually spend it in this economic climate.

The reason for my skepticism? I remember Bush's last cheque tax rebate three or four years ago. Or more specifically, I don't, because neither us, nor anyone we know received cheques that time around despite fitting the qualifications.


Anonymous said…
Ahh yes you probably earn too much like us and have little to no debt therefore never seeing a penny. However if you hadnt been earning so much, had been in debt due to taking out a huge mortgage you couldnt afford and been on Medicare with 4 or 5 kids I'm sure a nice big fat check would arrive for you to spend on something to 'boost' the economy. What ? Savings ? Now why would Bush want anyone to actually save money ?
Chris said…
The worst part of it is - they claim there's no limit on the child allowance. At $600 per child, the average family here in Mormonia is going to end up with thousands of dollars because of their litter.
If they pay out of course, and I don't know many people holding their breath on this one.
Mark N. said…
Actually I think it is "only" 300 per child...

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