Another hectic day yesterday with only 2 trips to Home depot. It's getting better....
***WAR NEWS*** The BBC's war correspondant, John Simpson, has been injured after a US warplane strafed a convoy he was in and then bombed it. They had Kurdish government leaders with them (all now dead) and a bunch of US Marines and special forces guys - also mostly dead. Simpson's cameraman and translator were killed too. Strangely, none of the US news services have mentioned this event yet.
***WAR NEWS*** The BBC's war correspondant, John Simpson, has been injured after a US warplane strafed a convoy he was in and then bombed it. They had Kurdish government leaders with them (all now dead) and a bunch of US Marines and special forces guys - also mostly dead. Simpson's cameraman and translator were killed too. Strangely, none of the US news services have mentioned this event yet.