***WAR NEWS*** It seems we can blame Rumsfeld for the current sphincter factor of the troops in the Gulf. Apparently, he repeatedly rejected advice from Pentagon planners that substantially more troops and armor would be needed to fight a war in Iraq.
New Yorker mag claims that Rumsfeld insisted at least six times in the run-up to the conflict that the proposed number of ground troops be sharply reduced and got his way. The mag also reckons Rumsfeld had overruled advice from war commander (Tommy Franks) to delay the invasion until troops denied access through Turkey could be brought in by another route and miscalculated the level of Iraqi resistance. Interesting.
New Yorker mag claims that Rumsfeld insisted at least six times in the run-up to the conflict that the proposed number of ground troops be sharply reduced and got his way. The mag also reckons Rumsfeld had overruled advice from war commander (Tommy Franks) to delay the invasion until troops denied access through Turkey could be brought in by another route and miscalculated the level of Iraqi resistance. Interesting.