Napster Sucks
Son of a.....!
Online music purchasing services suck ass, big time. Not only that, but they're run by con artists and liars. Take Napster for example. I'm trying to find an old track from 1991 by Jesus Jones called "Real Real Real" off their "Doubt" album.
Having failed at iTunes ("Did you mean Jesus Loves?") and all other stores, I begrudgingly went to where I was surprised to see this on the search:
The right artist and even the album I was looking for. For $9.95 I'd be tempted. So even more cautiously, I downloaded the software and installed it. After fighting for 10 minutes against giving it a real email address and credit card, it eventually gave me Napster-Light. Whereupon I find this:
Clever. People not so bright would, by this time, have been faked into giving this bunch of criminals their credit card and personal details. Nicely played, Napster. Having removed your application (plus the 4 pieces of spyware and 12 "hidden" registry entries) from my PC again, I'm now off to find a ripped copy of this track, possibly the whole album, where I will download it for free.
If you morons want us to buy music online, get your goddamn fingers out you bunch of talentless RIAA-cow-towing criminals!!! How the hell do you expect people to trust you and use your service when you lie outright and pollute users machines with spyware? Come back Fanning - all is forgiven. We want the real Napster back, not this fake wannabe :-( NAPSTER SUCKS!
Online music purchasing services suck ass, big time. Not only that, but they're run by con artists and liars. Take Napster for example. I'm trying to find an old track from 1991 by Jesus Jones called "Real Real Real" off their "Doubt" album.
Having failed at iTunes ("Did you mean Jesus Loves?") and all other stores, I begrudgingly went to where I was surprised to see this on the search:

The right artist and even the album I was looking for. For $9.95 I'd be tempted. So even more cautiously, I downloaded the software and installed it. After fighting for 10 minutes against giving it a real email address and credit card, it eventually gave me Napster-Light. Whereupon I find this:

Clever. People not so bright would, by this time, have been faked into giving this bunch of criminals their credit card and personal details. Nicely played, Napster. Having removed your application (plus the 4 pieces of spyware and 12 "hidden" registry entries) from my PC again, I'm now off to find a ripped copy of this track, possibly the whole album, where I will download it for free.
If you morons want us to buy music online, get your goddamn fingers out you bunch of talentless RIAA-cow-towing criminals!!! How the hell do you expect people to trust you and use your service when you lie outright and pollute users machines with spyware? Come back Fanning - all is forgiven. We want the real Napster back, not this fake wannabe :-( NAPSTER SUCKS!