Blair is PM for another 5 years. Could it get any worse?
Good God. I cannot believe it. The apathy in the British public is just mind-numbing in its comprehensiveness. Apparently everyone has forgotten about Blair taking Britain to war on a lie. Apparently they've all missed the 58 new taxes. Apparently they've missed the fact that 78% of the country now live below the poverty line. Apparently they're ALL FUCKING STUPID! YOU IDIOTS! YOU'RE NO BETTER THAN THE BLOODY AMERICANS!!!!!!
Blair says he will "focus relentlessly" on the public's priorities now. Thus implying that for the last 10 years he could have cared less what the electorate wanted. Leopards don't change their spots - Blair will continue to lie, cheat, raise taxes, cause more poverty and run the country like a dictator.
Blair acknowledged that the Iraq war had been deeply divisive but he said: "I have listened and learned".
Yes. He's learned not to be so public about his plans. Next time he'll just take us to war without telling anyone.
The bigger story here, that everyone seems to be downplaying or missing, is that turnout figures showed that only about 61 percent of people eligible to vote went to the polls. 61%. Just over half. Or to put into perspective, nearly half the country were so apathetic that they couldn't be bothered to vote. To the 39% of you who couldn't be bothered to get off your pathetic, lazy backsides, you can now all shut the fuck up for 5 years because you have no recourse. I hope your taxes go up so high that you end up living in a cardboard box you pitiful excuses for citizens.
Blair says he will "focus relentlessly" on the public's priorities now. Thus implying that for the last 10 years he could have cared less what the electorate wanted. Leopards don't change their spots - Blair will continue to lie, cheat, raise taxes, cause more poverty and run the country like a dictator.
Blair acknowledged that the Iraq war had been deeply divisive but he said: "I have listened and learned".
Yes. He's learned not to be so public about his plans. Next time he'll just take us to war without telling anyone.
The bigger story here, that everyone seems to be downplaying or missing, is that turnout figures showed that only about 61 percent of people eligible to vote went to the polls. 61%. Just over half. Or to put into perspective, nearly half the country were so apathetic that they couldn't be bothered to vote. To the 39% of you who couldn't be bothered to get off your pathetic, lazy backsides, you can now all shut the fuck up for 5 years because you have no recourse. I hope your taxes go up so high that you end up living in a cardboard box you pitiful excuses for citizens.