Last night's B*sh speech.
It continues to baffle me how so many supposedly clever people continually fail to see the farce that is their "President." Seriously; last night B*sh actually said that the reason he wasn't going to publish any timetable for a pullout was because - wait for it - "it would tell the terrorists all they have to do is sit and wait for us to leave."
Uh? Erm - that's exactly what they want - for the American occupiers to leave! The only reason there are so many attacks every day is precisely because of the occupation. Leave, and the violence will die down. Continue to stay and it will carry on. It's pretty fuckin' simple when you think about it. B*sh lied, invaded a sovereign nation (that had never attacked America) as a "pre-emptive" war, never actually declared war and then occupied the country. Do I need to repeat that or did everyone get it first time around?
Still - came across this site which is a nice application of web technology :
Uh? Erm - that's exactly what they want - for the American occupiers to leave! The only reason there are so many attacks every day is precisely because of the occupation. Leave, and the violence will die down. Continue to stay and it will carry on. It's pretty fuckin' simple when you think about it. B*sh lied, invaded a sovereign nation (that had never attacked America) as a "pre-emptive" war, never actually declared war and then occupied the country. Do I need to repeat that or did everyone get it first time around?
Still - came across this site which is a nice application of web technology :
