"Potential" = "Unlikely"

I call bullshit on this whole terror plot thing. When you read the news stories carefully, they all say "potential" terror plot.
More interesting is the chemistry involved in what was supposedly going to happen.
The bombs were supposedly going to be made using a mixture of acetone and hydrogen peroxide. Hmm. That isn't going to do anything unless you add a third chemical - some sort of acid. And even then, it needs to be mixed with precise measures of water, and the whole thing would need to be kept chilled - really chilled - to stop any chemical reaction until necessary. So basically, a full-blown chemistry set would need to have been broken out on board, with chemicals removed from refridgerated bags or coolers, then mixed carefully and in precise amounts.
As for the Al Qaeda link - everyone's reporting it, but nobody has the evidence.

So in a word : bollocks. There's no way this could have happened.

This smells more and more like fear tactics. It's frightening how much news coverage and panic there has been over something that didn't happen. I wonder what the real story here is going to turn out to be.


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