Longest friday ever.

I'm home again after the longest friday of my life. Going forwards across the international dateline will do that for you. My best guess is that friday lasted 39 hours for me. Good news is I was able to sleep quite a lot on the flight back so I wasn't a total zombie when I got home. Although we did get an interesting welcome back - an earlier-than-expected introduction to Utah drivers. As we taxi'd out from LAX to takeoff, we came to a screeching halt - our pilot nearly drove us into an Alaskan Airlines 737 as he turned on to an active taxiway without looking (I guess). I mean all the passengers saw the Alaskan 737 coming, and there was a sphincter-factor-ten moment as it looked like we were going to collide with him.

Oh - and would you believe it? My luggage made it all the way back with me two. That's really unusual. Given the way Karma works I suspect something terrible is going to happen now so I'll pay for my unusual good fortune of travelling with my luggage.


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