Driving like a total cock.

As a motorcyclist I'm used to being invisible on the road, but this morning took the cake in terms of outright wankerness. The same guy cut me off three times and nearly ran into me once. The first two times I was trying to change lanes, and as soon as I indicated, he pulled out behind me and closed the gap. The third incident happened when he tried to change lanes into me without looking, and the last time he cut me off was again changing lanes only this time I was behind him and in the process of passing him having changed lanes when he veered over to cut me off. So if that was you in the white Mercury Mariner, coming up Foothill drive this morning, here's some advice. (1) Stop texting on your cellphone whilst driving - you're not that important. (2) Stop driving like a total cock - you evolved to have eyes, and your car has mirrors and indicators for a reason. And (3), I hope the bodyshop charges you an arm and a fucking leg for the huge dent I kicked into your passenger door when you were attempting to kill me for the fourth time.
Fucking wanker.


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