The roads were bad when I left work tonight - I went over to Mike's to do his mail and a normal 10 minute journey took me an hour. Now we're in a super blizzard. The motorways are at a standstill and people are abandoning their vehicles all over the place. Visibility is down to zero and the snow plows can't work because all the roads are clogged with beached and abandoned cars.
I blew about 4 inches of snow out of the drive when I got home and it's still snowing. The temps are due to go up a bit in the next couple of days but it looks like Antarctica outside right now.
This was when the weather was still great :
I blew about 4 inches of snow out of the drive when I got home and it's still snowing. The temps are due to go up a bit in the next couple of days but it looks like Antarctica outside right now.
This was when the weather was still great :
