***WAR NEWS*** ITV are reporting that there's a civilian uprising in the populace of Basra against Saddam's ruling Ba'ath party. According to military intelligence, Iraqi troops in the city have turned mortar fire on their own civilians in an attempt to crush the unrest.
Rumsfeld says 3,500 Iraqi soldiers have been taken prisoner and thousands more have deserted. Bush has asked Congress for $74.7 billion to pay for six months of combat and says that the length of the war may be uncertain, but, "We know its outcome: We will prevail." 6 months????
Coalition forces have destroyed six GPS jamming systems Iraq had been trying to use to disrupt coalition global positioning satellite-guided munitions. These are the devices apparently sold by Russia although it's still not clear.
U.S. troops are allegedly 50 miles from Baghdad, but in a "holding pattern" waiting for a fierce sandstorm to subside.
According to the Pentagon, Iraqi forces, especially the Fedayeen militia, are "terrorizing neighborhoods" and using civilians as human shields. Not sure if this is believable yet.
Rumsfeld says 3,500 Iraqi soldiers have been taken prisoner and thousands more have deserted. Bush has asked Congress for $74.7 billion to pay for six months of combat and says that the length of the war may be uncertain, but, "We know its outcome: We will prevail." 6 months????
Coalition forces have destroyed six GPS jamming systems Iraq had been trying to use to disrupt coalition global positioning satellite-guided munitions. These are the devices apparently sold by Russia although it's still not clear.
U.S. troops are allegedly 50 miles from Baghdad, but in a "holding pattern" waiting for a fierce sandstorm to subside.
According to the Pentagon, Iraqi forces, especially the Fedayeen militia, are "terrorizing neighborhoods" and using civilians as human shields. Not sure if this is believable yet.