***WAR NEWS*** Today's goings-on, so far. 180,000 troops inside Iraq, working their way to Baghdad. Iraqi farmers have downed two Apache helicopters. Ground troops are meeting more resistance. The stock market fell badly today - I think people seemed to think it would all be over and done with by the weekend. Now they've realised that they're actually at war, and not just taking a walk in the park, everyone has reacted. The US keeps going on about how Iraq is flaunting the Geneva Convention by showing US P.O.Ws on TV, but it's a bit of pot-calling-the-kettle-black, as CNN and the other channels continue to show footage of Iraqis surrendering and being taken as P.O.Ws. You can't have it both ways, Rumsfeld. If you keep showing your capture of Iraqis, they will keep doing the same. You're both in breach of the Geneva Convention........
The Iraqis have set fire to miles of oil trenches surrounding Baghdad, filling the sky with thick black smoke. They claim that it's allied bombings that caused it, but we didn't dig the trenches and fill them with crude.
A unit of the U.S. Marine Corps took control of the regional headquarters of Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party in Umm Qasr last night, retrieving weapons, boxes of munitions and stacks of U.S. propaganda leaflets that Iraqi officials might have collected to keep out of the public's hands. Another Marine troop claim to have found a chemical weapons factory.
The Iraqis have set fire to miles of oil trenches surrounding Baghdad, filling the sky with thick black smoke. They claim that it's allied bombings that caused it, but we didn't dig the trenches and fill them with crude.
A unit of the U.S. Marine Corps took control of the regional headquarters of Saddam Hussein's Ba'ath Party in Umm Qasr last night, retrieving weapons, boxes of munitions and stacks of U.S. propaganda leaflets that Iraqi officials might have collected to keep out of the public's hands. Another Marine troop claim to have found a chemical weapons factory.