DOOM vs. Aliens ?
The first teaser trailer for the Doom movie appeared online today. Looks OK but they're going to have to be very careful - the style of the movie looks like it's going to be emulating the second Alien movie (Aliens) very closely. When you get into that territory, Aliens normally comes out on top, and given the "success" of previous game-to-movie conversions, Doom could be - I hate to say it - doomed.
I loved the first Doom game. In 1993 I downloaded it over a 1200/75 modem line from a bulletin board (BBS) long before the internet was so readily accessible. I put it on my DX4/100 PC with a shiny new SVGA graphics card and an original soundblaster and played it into the night. The gameplay and sound effects were astonishing, especially for a free game. As time went on, bigger and allegedly better games came out, but it wasn't until Half Life that gaming really took the next step. Then this year we had Doom 3 versus Half Life 2. Doom 3 ruined the franchise once and for all, where Half Life 2 shone brightly. If the Doom movie is going to try to cash in on effects-laden moviemaking, and base the storyline on Doom 3, it's going to be a bit of a disappointment.

I loved the first Doom game. In 1993 I downloaded it over a 1200/75 modem line from a bulletin board (BBS) long before the internet was so readily accessible. I put it on my DX4/100 PC with a shiny new SVGA graphics card and an original soundblaster and played it into the night. The gameplay and sound effects were astonishing, especially for a free game. As time went on, bigger and allegedly better games came out, but it wasn't until Half Life that gaming really took the next step. Then this year we had Doom 3 versus Half Life 2. Doom 3 ruined the franchise once and for all, where Half Life 2 shone brightly. If the Doom movie is going to try to cash in on effects-laden moviemaking, and base the storyline on Doom 3, it's going to be a bit of a disappointment.
