Stealth, pool, Jade
I went to see Stealth last night at the cinema. For all its CGI goodness, it comes pretty close to Top Gun in terms of story and effects. I was extremely impressed - I'd expected it to be less substance and more bang. Apparently I still like the films the critics hate - Stealth got 1 star in most reviews.
Edi, the UCAV did have more than just one or two similarities with the Manga cartoon Macross Plus's unmanned YF-21 fighter, from the aeroelastic wings right down to the design of Edi's brain. It also bore a striking resemblance to the Ghost X-9 unmanned fighter from the same series. Come to think of it, a lot of the design cues of the mach-4 F/A-37 fighter concept seemed to come from Macross too. Yet I didn't see any reference to the series in the closing credits.
Today we spent the better part of the day at Tim & Helen's today, and I spent the better part of that time in the pool where Jade insisted on using me as a human climbing frame. Still - at least it kept her occupied.

Today we spent the better part of the day at Tim & Helen's today, and I spent the better part of that time in the pool where Jade insisted on using me as a human climbing frame. Still - at least it kept her occupied.