So what of those of us who are left?
So what of those of us who survived the Jim massacre and are left to move on to RCI? Some people (espcially on the Yahoo message boards) consider us stupid to still be here in the light of Jim's utter incompetence. I see it differently. In spite of all the damage he did to E&S, there is still a market for simulation whether he believes it or not.
I still have a lot of pride in my job and what I do, and most of those of us left here are the same. I enjoy working on the projects I work on, and I enjoy working with the people I work with (with 2 notable exceptions). Believe it or not I get a sense of satisfaction when I see a new story about an aircraft in crisis that landed safely with no undercarriage or with an engine on fire. Why? Because chances are that pilot trained for that scenario on a system we built, that I contributed to. I get satisfaction believing that in some small way, what I do for simulation contributed to the safety of the passengers on that aircraft. That's something Jim was never been able to understand. He's just after the next big thing at whatever the cost and bugger the consequences to the employees and the company, as long as the VPs got their bonuses.
I'm ready to give it my all, as usual, for Rockwell Collins. I hope they believe in simulation - I can't believe they'd have bid for our division four times if they didn't. I hope Rockwell allows us to shine. We've been suffering under Jim for so long I think a lot of people have forgotten what it's like to work for a company that isn't fatally sick. I'm looking forward to not being punished for being an engineer.
I still have a lot of pride in my job and what I do, and most of those of us left here are the same. I enjoy working on the projects I work on, and I enjoy working with the people I work with (with 2 notable exceptions). Believe it or not I get a sense of satisfaction when I see a new story about an aircraft in crisis that landed safely with no undercarriage or with an engine on fire. Why? Because chances are that pilot trained for that scenario on a system we built, that I contributed to. I get satisfaction believing that in some small way, what I do for simulation contributed to the safety of the passengers on that aircraft. That's something Jim was never been able to understand. He's just after the next big thing at whatever the cost and bugger the consequences to the employees and the company, as long as the VPs got their bonuses.
I'm ready to give it my all, as usual, for Rockwell Collins. I hope they believe in simulation - I can't believe they'd have bid for our division four times if they didn't. I hope Rockwell allows us to shine. We've been suffering under Jim for so long I think a lot of people have forgotten what it's like to work for a company that isn't fatally sick. I'm looking forward to not being punished for being an engineer.