After the sunset with Steve Zissou
The summer drought being what it is on TV, we rented a couple of movies last night. "After the sunset" was an excellent diamond-heist yarn. "The Life Aquatic (with Steve Zissou)" not so much. In fact not at all. It had the potential to be a fun film but suffered from the problem of having all the funny bits shown in the trailer. The trailer was 90 seconds, the film was 2 hours. The padding between the 90 seconds of funny stuff and the 2 hours of film was - what's the word I'm looking for? Lousy.
Which is a shame, because Bill Murray can do so much better than this.
On another note, the Torrent Gods have smiled upon us this morning - the last episode of Doctor Who is on the torrents. I'd feared that with the demise of bfenet that we'd end up 2/3 of the way through the series and then lose our source. But it seems we're going to be just fine.
Which is a shame, because Bill Murray can do so much better than this.
On another note, the Torrent Gods have smiled upon us this morning - the last episode of Doctor Who is on the torrents. I'd feared that with the demise of bfenet that we'd end up 2/3 of the way through the series and then lose our source. But it seems we're going to be just fine.