Karl Rove leaks
Newsweek have outed Karl Rove as the man behind the leak of CIA confidential information. Now to you or I that would seem like a treasonable offence - at the very least he should be removed from government. But I suspect because he's deep inside B*sh's ass, Rove will be safe, and another blow will be dealt to the checks and balances that America used to have to protect its citizens from the government.
For two years, the White House has insisted that Rove had nothing to do with the leak, B*sh has said on numerous occasions that the leaker would be fired.
It will be interesting to see if he follows through, or if, as I suspect, he'll prove once again that he is a liar and find some way to befuddle the issue so that Rove can stay on.
For two years, the White House has insisted that Rove had nothing to do with the leak, B*sh has said on numerous occasions that the leaker would be fired.
It will be interesting to see if he follows through, or if, as I suspect, he'll prove once again that he is a liar and find some way to befuddle the issue so that Rove can stay on.
