Subaru Tribeca B9
Oh dear. I saw a commercial last night for the new Subaru SUV - the B9 Tribeca. Where to start? It's wrong on so many levels. Obviously the first place to start is the name. Daft doesn't come close to describing "Tribeca". And they pronounce it "Try-beeker",
which to me conjures up pictures of three beakers of coffee, or three Beakers from the Muppets. The look on his face is the same look I had when seeing this thing on TV last night. Speaking of muppets, it looks like this must have come from some muppet in the American Subaru design bureau - the same people responsible for the butt-ugly front end of the 2001 Impreza (thank God that's gone!) The Tribeca looks like the bastard offspring of the Infiniti FX, Pontiac Aztek and a Porsche Cayenne, and this is definitely not a good thing; all those vehicles are butt-ugly themselves. The result is a truly heinous Subaru, one where the word "design" can definitely not be applied. Gone are the nice design curves and lines, and in comes an American-inspired SUV monster. It's Frankensubaru. It's hideous. And look at the nose! Dear God what were they thinking?
Why oh why did Subaru think they needed an SUV ? The Outback and Forester models are perfect AWD vehicles and can outperform, out-mileage and out-drive any SUV on the road. Yet here it is - a Subaru SUV. I guess they've caved to pressure and had to build and ugly, gas-guzzling rollover monster to satisfy the American market for such vehicles.
Such a shame.
I'm almost ashamed to own a Subaru now :-(

Why oh why did Subaru think they needed an SUV ? The Outback and Forester models are perfect AWD vehicles and can outperform, out-mileage and out-drive any SUV on the road. Yet here it is - a Subaru SUV. I guess they've caved to pressure and had to build and ugly, gas-guzzling rollover monster to satisfy the American market for such vehicles.
Such a shame.
I'm almost ashamed to own a Subaru now :-(
