Brownie gets removed. Ophelia ready to loop.

Contrary to B*sh's comments on wednesday, it seems that Michael Brown, or Brownie as the "President" called him, isn't doing such a good job after all. In fact, he's been fired from FEMA and replaced with Vice Admiral Thad Allen, chief of staff of the US Coastguard. ie. someone a lot more qualified than an ex Arabian racehorse judge.
I wonder if this is anything to do with the much-embelished resume that Brown had posted on the FEMA site, which Time magazine this week tore to shreds? For example, Brown claims he has a background in state and local government serving as an assistant city manager with emergency services oversight and as a city councilman in Edmond, Oklahoma. Time magazine checked with the Edmond council; Brown was actually an intern to an assistant to a city manager, and had no responsibility and no staff. Still, he was in the old boy network with B*sh so that's how he got his job. The issue now of course is that B*sh has found his scapegoat : Brown. That means the evil son of a bitch is going to get away with it again.
Time Magazine's expose is here.

I wonder if FEMA is now going to pay attention to Ophelia? Given that it's basically standing still off the east coast of Florida, gaining strength but lacking any guiding current, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that the next tropical storm, or hurricane Philippe, could become Ophelia's guiding current, and that the storms would merge and destroy Florida. At the very least, Ophelia could loop back on its own.

Or is that just me trying to think ahead ? Good grief! I'm over-qualified - I should be running FEMA :-)


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