Michael Jerkoff

It seems that Homeland Security chief Michael Chertoff has either adapted to the pathological liar tendencies of the Republicans, or has started smoking crack. Last week he said "We didn't think things would get that bad" and today he told the press "I think the situation in the Superdome was not as bad as the TV pictures were making out."
Similarly, on the Daily Show last night, they showed the clip of B*sh saying "We didn't anticipate that the levys would break." By "we" I assume he means "I", because NOAA, the national press, FEMA, the local city council, the mayor, the governer, the news channels and the engineers were all resigned to the fact that they would break, and that was on the saturday before Katrina hit.
As Jon Stewart put it : it is inarguably the fault of the federal government and the person responsible for that at the highest level is the President.
The republicans need to stop playing politics with people's lives, and need to stop trying to smear Ray Nagin and the other local and state officials. Unlike B*sh who stayed on vacation for three days after the event, and unlike the federal government who did nothing, state and local officials were the only ones doing anything.


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