Making up words again.
The Americans are never happy with using existing words when they can mangle the language by adding more words that don't mean anything, and/or are unneccessary. For example, the Army Corps of Engineers have decided they are going do "de-water" New Orleans. For God's sake - no you're not. You're going to either pump it out, or drain it. "De-water" is not a word or phrase.
And CNN keeps referring to people who are moved out to the more "healthful" environments like the Astrodome in Houston. Or "healthy" as we like to say.
Meanwhile, the stuffed shirts have been all over the TV today crying foul at the complaints about federal inaction. They've beeen giving all sorts of excuses about why it took so long to react. When a reporter asked how it was that people in Bangladesh can cope with floods better than America, the 4-star general found a reason to leave and deferred the question to his 3-star minion, who the press then proceeded to tear to pieces.
They were going on about "you don't put relief supplies in the path of a hurricane - you wait until its over". Duh! You put them at the ready, outside where you know the hurricane is going to hit, then you set the trucks going the minute the winds drop below 60mph and put all the helicopters in the air right then.
Then they started going on about procedure and how it isn't easy in government to "just do something" without it being signed in triplicate. That argument speaks volumes about their unwillingness to take responsibility for anything. What they should have done, of course, is screw procedure - save lives and evacuate first, then sort out the paperwork later. Instead they dithered and stalled and held press conference after press conference while people were dying, buildings were being torched, and gangs of armed men were roaming the streets shooting at people and committing random acts of larson, rape and looting. That the stuffed shirts value procedure over human life is another issue they need to answer to when this is all over.
And CNN keeps referring to people who are moved out to the more "healthful" environments like the Astrodome in Houston. Or "healthy" as we like to say.
Meanwhile, the stuffed shirts have been all over the TV today crying foul at the complaints about federal inaction. They've beeen giving all sorts of excuses about why it took so long to react. When a reporter asked how it was that people in Bangladesh can cope with floods better than America, the 4-star general found a reason to leave and deferred the question to his 3-star minion, who the press then proceeded to tear to pieces.
They were going on about "you don't put relief supplies in the path of a hurricane - you wait until its over". Duh! You put them at the ready, outside where you know the hurricane is going to hit, then you set the trucks going the minute the winds drop below 60mph and put all the helicopters in the air right then.
Then they started going on about procedure and how it isn't easy in government to "just do something" without it being signed in triplicate. That argument speaks volumes about their unwillingness to take responsibility for anything. What they should have done, of course, is screw procedure - save lives and evacuate first, then sort out the paperwork later. Instead they dithered and stalled and held press conference after press conference while people were dying, buildings were being torched, and gangs of armed men were roaming the streets shooting at people and committing random acts of larson, rape and looting. That the stuffed shirts value procedure over human life is another issue they need to answer to when this is all over.