Profiteering oil companies.

In the wake of Katrina, the oil companies have reaped massive rewards, with the price of petrol shooting up today for no good reason. Oil production has been re-started in the Gulf of Mexico, and even then it only accounts for 15% of the US market. Yet people have been fed the line that supply lines have been hampered because of the hurricane, and as a result, the oil companies have free reign to apply whatever price they like at the pump.
With the price of petrol going up by the day, something IS going to happen pretty quickly. I'm not sure what, but it's crippling the American economy yet B*sh is doing nothing about it. The cost of petrol is a factor in the cost of everything from food and clothes up to luxury items. It affects everyone in the country, yet B*sh is standing by whilst the oil companies rape the American public.


Anonymous said…
Chris - you do remember that the Bush family are in the oil business, don't you? Why would they want the price to drop?

Also - Big business doesn't need to lobby the Government anymore. Big business IS the Government.
Chris said…
Yeah that's true. B*sh gets what - $200,000 a year salary to be prez, but a couple of million a year in "donations" from the Saudis and a couple of tens of millions in kickbacks from the oil companies. It's clear he's not working for the American public, that's for sure.

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