Ungtrateful bastards.

You know yesterday I said I had all the sympathy in the world for the victims of the hurricane? I'm changing my mind on a select group of them now, notably the ungrateful idiots who started shooting at the rescue helicopters at the Superdome this morning. To add insult to injury, they then started rioting and setting fire to other buildings. So now the fire brigade have had to stop their rescue efforts to put out more fires.
I know you people that are doing this can't read my blog - no power or infrastructure etc (actually I doubt they can read), but as you really have so little regard for the people trying to help you, you deserve to die in a typhoid-induced coma. Frankly, you're not worth wasting the time and effort to get out of there. If I was on those military helicopters being shot at, I think I'd return fire and get rid of the scum of the earth like you so we could get on rescuing people who do need help.

Disasters like this bring out the best in most people, but a part of the population down there seem to have had such a thin grasp on civilisation that within days of the disaster, they've turned into uncivilised criminals, rioting, looting and gunning people down. It's truly sad that people like this will get helped. They deserve no help, no sympathy, and no attention.
Pictures of looters being posted in realtime
The only blogger with an internet connection in New Orleans

What's even worse is the breed of leech-like criminals that have now set up fake Katrina donation websites, phishing for people's credit card information. I really do dispair that these sort of people are allowed to live and breathe in our society. They ought to be rounded up and shot because they are just vindictive, evil people.

Oh and whilst I'm on a politically incorrect role, I have to ask (or point out): why are all the looters black? What the fuck is a black man from the projects going to do with a plasma TV and a rack of clothes from WalMart in a city with no power, no water, no homes and mob rule? What possible benefit can there be in this situation from threatening rescuers with AK-47s and shooting police officers?

You know what? Fuck 'em. Send in the Army with a zero-tolerance shoot-to-kill policy. On-sight, in the head, ANYONE seen looting, rioting or attacking aid and rescue workers, no questions asked. Taking food and water to survive, from a store, is one thing. Stealing generators from hospitals, taking food from nursing homes at gunpoint, tipping over ambulances, shooting at rescue boats and helicopters etc. is just absolutely insane. Their bodies should be strung up from light poles with "I was a moron" spraypainted on their chests and left to rot.

It's like Mad Max combined with Escape From New York. Police are reporting that gun shops were the first places looted. Yeah that sounds about right for America. Don't bother trying to get food or water, or trying to solve the problem yourself. No - much better to loot guns and ammo and shoot the hell out of anyone coming near you. Yeah - that'll solve the problem.

Jeebus - WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? Are you so goddamn stupid that you can't figure out to help yourself? There is no food and water left, and you're shooting the people who are trying to help. To tell it like it is : you deserve to die.


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